The hyperlinks are still in the index, none of the bookmarks are there. Open the bookmarks window and observe that every single one of the IDXMRK bookmarks created by IndexLinker are no longer in the document. Attempt to click any hyperlink in the index and find out that it does nothing.ħ. Spot check the entries which were hyperlinkedĦ. No, I've run into the exact issue using this tool. Run into this problem, but is probably more complex to implement. Note for the sake of discussion, since this is a developer forum: my original premise for "hyperlinking" an index based on using an event, such as WindowBeforeDoubleClick or WindowSelectionChange to "find" the index term dynamically.
You'd want to leave hyperlinking the index as a last step in document production. The links, all you need to do is run the tool again to create a new set of links.įWIW I don't think you'd want to do this too often, as Word tends to rebel if a document contains too many bookmarks.
Remove hyperlink in word 2010 update#
He says, if you do perform an update on an Index, thus losing He's also included information about fields and updating in the tool documentation. Jack says that he's added an "Unlink" feature to the tool so that the Index cannot be updated accidentally. Index is updated, leaving the bookmarks behind. Since the Hyperlinks added by the tool are edits to the field result, the hyperlinks disappear when the Whenever you update a Word field, such as the Index, a TOC or a cross-reference, any editing that was done to the field is lost - Word overwrites it. Jack has taken a look at this and he believes the problem the other forum reader ran into came from